Some have difficulty in coming up with "ideas". That is not a problem here at i3 Incubator. We have twenty one incubations in que. The ones we want to share with you today are part of the foundation to what will make this incubator one to remember.

A key in developing ideas into products or services, is to quickly analyze the feasibility of the idea. Are customers demanding it? Are businesses needing it? Market research is a component of the feasibility test, with many other components. We hired a consultant (glad to refer) for our needs and they worked quickly to provide reports on each idea ultimately to give a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Top 3 Incubations
When we look at selection of incubations to prioritize, the immediate question we consider is timing. We have been ahead of curve before with developments, and it taught us the importance of being in the right time, at the right time.
Advanced Men's Undergarment - responds to the demand for fashion & comfort, lead us to create a "next generation" Men's Undergarment that surpasses the demand.
Jewelry Industry Disruptor - formed at the pinnacle of integrated innovation this jewelry industry focused disruptor is going to blow you away.
Personal Credit Solution - inspired by Nobel Prize winner who brought to the world the idea of microfinance, we are proud to help support improvement of the credit markets
Investors Get In Touch
The Incubator of Innovative Ideas (i3) is incubating some truly spectacular innovations in multiple markets. Our core team has developed an excellent support team to build these incubations as we are past the point of MVP.
We encourage the investor community to get in touch with us today. As we build our investor network, and community, we continue to develop long term value for all involved.
We welcome investors, and advisor candidates, to get in touch with us as we are looking for you ;)